Time Pressure Management.
Time Pressure Management is a strategy that helps decrease stress after traumatic brain injury. It teaches you to anticipate time pressure and make a plan so your brain feels less overwhelmed.
Almost everyone struggles with initiation after a concussion. Initiation helps you get off the couch and get started on your task list. Learn strategies to help you get started and feel more productive.
Get rid of to-do list stress.
The Four Ds are your new best friend. They will help you manage your to-do list so it’s not as overwhelming after a concussion.
Start a brain dump.
Get a step-by-step guide to organizing your thoughts and to-dos. This strategy will help you stay focused and get more done after a concussion.
Organize your brain dump.
Get brain dump templates to help you organize your brain dump and decide where to start.
These steps will help you remember how to prioritize after a concussion. Get a checklist for prioritizing tasks so they don’t stay on your to-do list and you start getting them done.