Brain Wellness.

Woman in bed stretching

Sleep and concussions.

Sleep disturbance is the second most common concussion/mTBI symptom. Learn about how sleep works, why it’s affected by brain injury, and tips for better sleep.

Close up of light brown sunglasses with water in the distance

Sensory Overload.

If noise, lights, textures, and more bother you after a concussion, you are not alone! Noise and light sensitivity are very common after a concussion. Other senses bother people, too. Learn about why this happens and the top 5 strategies to keep your brain from shutting down when you leave the house.

Girl looking overwhelmed with a book on her head

Cognitive overload.

Cognitive overload is a common complaint for people with persistent concussion symptoms. Noise, lights, conversations, multi-step tasks, and more can overwhelm your brain. Learn why cognitive overload happens and the top strategies for managing it.

Modern kitchen


Your gut has a direct connection to your brain. Taking care of your gut has a huge impact on recovery. Get 3 easy, brain healthy recipes to try this week.